5 Innovative Ways To Market Your Product
Creating a new product is a great way to increase your market share and boost business growth. However, launching a new product is one thing, and getting customers to buy it is a whole other feat. You could create a high-quality product, but it’s almost impossible to sell if you don’t promote it.
That’s when collaborative innovation comes into play. Collaborative innovation involves leveraging partnerships across various stakeholders—including customers, suppliers, competitors, and even universities—to brainstorm, develop, and ultimately refine new products. This approach allows companies to combine different perspectives and expertise, thereby enhancing the product’s features and broadening its appeal.
Additionally, most other players in your sectors have products like yours, which means high competition. So, how can your product stand out? One of the best solutions is to leverage marketing.
Here are some innovative ways to market your product and connect with target customers.
Create An SMS Marketing Campaign
One of the best ways to promote a product is through short message service (SMS) marketing.
SMS marketing is an opt-in strategy, meaning clients must sign up to receive text messages. But you may ask, why text to buy sells?
There are many benefits of investing in SMS marketing to promote your product. For instance, SMSs are believed to have high engagement rates compared to other marketing channels. Today, most customers use mobile devices to do shopping. And because they always have these mobile devices with them, they can immediately read your messages after you deliver them.
Additionally, SMS marketing allows you to reach a wide audience quickly. When you create a new product, you may want to send messages to several customers to establish its awareness. With SMS marketing automation, you can deliver promotional messages to thousands of customers within a second.
Besides, SMS marketing has a high conversion rate. With best practices such as personalizing your messages and writing concise texts, SMS marketing can become an effective way to increase conversions.
Leverage Email Marketing
The email marketing method is another effective promotional strategy for spreading the word about your product. And like SMS marketing, email marketing allows you to reach an enormous audience within a second. You’ll only have to create a single message and distribute it to all contacts on your email subscription list.
Plus, email marketing allows you to track your promotional messages. With specific software, you can know who opened your messages. This information helps you to find effective ways to make follow-ups. Ensure you use the right email marketing tool for your product or business.
Invest In Content Marketing
As a business owner, you know how important a company website is to connect with online customers. Nevertheless, a website alone might not be good enough to help promote the visibility of your product. It’s advisable to publish content in it.
Content is what drives prospects to a website. Publishing content helps attract more people to your online store, making them aware of your product. Yet create content relevant to your target audiences.
The primary objective of content marketing is to provide useful information to consumers. So, ensure you understand what problems target customers want to solve, then use your content to address them. Additionally, create blogs about the specific product you want to promote, including its components, features, and benefits. Such information can guide customers when making purchase decisions.
Promote Your Product On Social Media
Social media can be a great place to promote your product. Today, much of the world’s population is already on social media. Thus, promoting your product on social media helps you to connect with a large audience.
But note that not every social media platform suits your product. Identify the one you can connect with many target customers. Once you identify the best platform, create a company social media profile. From there, publish relevant content and engage with your customers.
Apart from that, run social media contests. To sell more units of your product, you’ll need to gain more social media followers. Holding contracts can be an effective and fun way of attracting more prospects to your social media platform. But be sure to advertise your contest across all your business online platforms, including the website and emails. A successful contest will help drive more traffic to your website, thus increasing the visibility of your product.
Ask For Referrals
There’s no better way to promote a product to new customers than by asking for referrals from existing customers. Customers can trust each other more than they can trust you. Therefore, requesting current customers to spread the word about your product can help gain new customers.
Asking for referrals can be an effective way to promote your product. Yet ensure you create a referral incentive program. Everyone likes appreciation for something good they’ve done. For this reason, you can offer monetary incentives or sell products at discounted prices to any customer who brings new ones to your business.
Selling a new product without marketing isn’t easy. And there are various reasons for this. First, customers aren’t aware of the existence of your product. And secondly, there’s high competition in the market. Fortunately, you can invest in marketing to increase the visibility of your product. Creating an SMS marketing campaign, investing in content marketing, establishing yourself on social and asking for referrals are creative ways to market your product.