Cool Fonts – 25 Free kids Fonts to Download
Designing for kids is always a great fun, as a designer you will have great freedom to play with different styles and color schemes which is very limited in corporate design. Kids design also gives an opportunity to play with different typography. Funny fonts are best once to connect your design with kids, fonts scribbled by hands are also a great piece art to use in kids design. So I decided to put together a round-up of kid fonts to my “Cool Fonts” series on TDL. Below is a list of some very cool fonts to use in your next kids related design. Hope you like them and share a word.
Toy Train
SC Gum Kids
Rainies Kids
Punk Kid
Mickey Ears
Little Miss Priss
Kimmy Cakes
Kids Written
Kids First Print Font
KBA Stitch In Time
Green Eggs Bold
Funny Kid
Earth Kid
Dingle Berries
Balloon Caps
Atari Kids
Two Turtle Doves