Mesmerizing Animated Illustrations by Nadia Kim
Nadia Kim is an exceptionally talented freelance comic artist, a character designer and an illustrator. She holds a BFA in Animation Arts degree from California State University.
She creates some breathtaking illustrations. These are characterized by enchanting scenes put together with brilliant use of light. She uses whites and shades of yellow to bring her environments to life. She has worked on a few independent comics as well. She excels in the art of storytelling.
Another feature of her works is the colour scheme she uses. Every work sticks to a single colour schemes like the use of greens and blues in ‘PLANT’. She also uses prominent lines to provide contours and distinguish her characters against smooth backgrounds.
The characters that she designs are inspired Japanese Manga style. Another thing we like is the diversity in the ethnicity of the characters that she creates. Almir Khaleel, Gretchen Ahn, Adara Khaleel, Mitchel Yoon, Amber Mendoza, Samuel Beckmann, Sean Moore, Kamal Mamidi, Henry Chen, Mateo Rodriguez, Min-Ho Yoon; these are the names of some of the characters which adorn her stories.
She has created a series of mini illustrated stories. These are pretty little collections which transition beautifully and ingeniously from one to another. Their adorable characters make you smile.
Let’s have a look at the some of her masterworks.
Artist: Nadia Kim
Artist’s Site:
All the works displayed on this page are copyright to artist.